
Gourmet breakfast

In the morning, our rich breakfast awaits you. Enjoy fresh delicacies from our buffet - a perfect start to the day for early risers and late risers.

We pay special attention to regionality, freshness and quality when selecting our products. As a special highlight, a champagne breakfast awaits our guests on Sundays and public holidays.

Breakfast times & details

  • Breakfast daily 07.30 - 10.30 am in summer
  • Breakfast daily 07.30 - 10.00 am in winter
  • Culinary highlight: champagne breakfast (Sundays and public holidays) only in summer
  • fresh, healthy and regional products as far as possible

Breakfast for external guests: € 17.00 per person (subject to availability)
Reservation required +43 5285 622 11 or by e-mail

Köstliche Croissants © Pexels / Pixabay
Sektfrühstück an Sonn- & Feiertagen © congerdesign / Pixabay
Müsli, frisches Obst uvm. © StockSnap / Pixabay

Culinary holiday in Mayrhofen

Looking for dinner ideas? We have put together a few restaurant tips for you:

Nach oben / to top

Hotel Waldheim **** | Fischerstrasse 509 | 6290 Mayrhofen | Österreich
